EmploymentCrossing, the world’s premier job-search site, has launched a new website listing jobs for radio professionals: RadioCrossing. The site seeks to inform users of every radio job opening in the United States by gathering and listing jobs posted on employer websites and job boards. Although the competition is fierce, jobs in the radio industry are many, varied, and most importantly, targeted towards the youth of the country.
Pasadena, CA — The radio industry attracts a large number of job seekers for various types of radio-related jobs. Most applicants for radio jobs are college graduates, and due to high competition, employers tend to hire those who can perform their jobs immediately with minimal training. There are many job titles to choose from, depending on the given aspirant’s capabilities, including broadcast engineer, sound engineer, radio operator, and disc jockey, among others.
RadioCrossing is a one-stop site listing a wide variety of radio jobs that have been researched and tracked down by a team of more than 500 job-opening research professionals. The site lists numerous radio job openings that are hidden in small regional publications and employer job-opening web pages — jobs which you are unlikely to find anywhere else.
According to figures from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of radio jobs on the technical side will grow by almost 17% between 2006 and 2016, a rate of growth which is faster than the average growth for other occupations. On the other hand, growth figures for radio operators in particular are predicted to decline by a whopping 16%, which will leave many of those craving to be associated with the field disappointed due to a lack of opportunities.
Some job seekers may have difficulty finding the most relevant and suitable jobs for themselves. Harrison Barnes, founder and CEO of RadioCrossing, notes that “In this market, it is extremely hard to get a job with a recruiter, and recruiters typically work with very few companies. Job openings that are not widely known or publicized are the easiest jobs to get.”
Barnes adds, “Our researchers scour numerous sources to find every kind of job available in the radio industry. There are an astonishing number of radio job openings out there — if you know where to look. We want to find them all.”
According to Barnes, the most popular searches on the site thus far have been:
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RadioCrossing charges $29.95 a month to view its job-opening research. As part of the site’s launch special, however, RadioCrossing is offering a free, seven-day trial to allow job seekers to familiarize themselves with the service.